We at E. P. like to think the authors whose works we publish are among the most talented writers working today.
Because they are.
What separates our authors from the Stephen Kings and J. K. Rowlings of the world is simple: exposure. While traditional publishing houses are understandably selective when choosing which new authors to publish, we are less profit-driven and more open to produce the highest quality literature possible–from both first-time authors and proven professionals.
If you know you’re one of the best writers around, we want to hear from you. If we agree, we’ll want to offer you a publishing contract and produce your book-length manuscript–whether or not we believe going into our relationship that it will sell five copies or five million.
That’s the goal that drives us. To make news by publishing the best works by the brightest authors working today. And that’s the very same goal driving each and every one of our authors.
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