“Where did Hillary go?” the President asked, looking around. He was in the middle of a short speech about democracy in Burma, standing on the porch of Aung San Suu Kyi’s house in Rangoon. “Where is she?”It was November 2012, and we were on our final trip together as President and Secretary of State. I waved from off to the side and caught his eye. “There she is,” he said. As he thanked me, I thought about how far we had come from that day more than four years earlier in Dianne Feinstein’s living room. Like our entire last trip together, it was a moment of bittersweet nostalgia, of satisfaction in what we had accomplished, delight in the partners we had become, and sadness that it would soon be over.
Category: Author
15 Revelations from New J.D. Salinger Biography – The Daily Beast
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He liked young women but didn’t want to sleep with them, he married a Gestapo informer, he wanted to play Holden Caulfield in the film. Here are 15 revelations from the juicy new oral biography of the famed author. By Andrew Romano
via 15 Revelations from New J.D. Salinger Biography – The Daily Beast.
Stephen King’s Paperback-Only Crime Novel: Back to the Future? | The Authors Guild
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Anyone who has been around publishing long enough to remember the events of 2000 may feel a bit nostalgic reading the stories about Stephen King’s decision to publish his next book, Joyland, in print only. He’s jolted the industry before.
via Stephen King’s Paperback-Only Crime Novel: Back to the Future? | The Authors Guild.
E.L. Doctorow and Mark di Suvero Strike Gold at American Academy of Arts and Letters – NYTimes.com
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E.L. Doctorow and Mark di Suvero Strike Gold at American Academy of Arts and Letters
The novelist E.L. Doctorow and the sculptor Mark di Suvero have been awarded gold medals for the arts by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The awards were announced on Wednesday at the academy’s headquarters in Upper Manhattan, as part of a ceremony inducting three new regular members and one honorary member, Bob Dylan, to the 250-person group.
via E.L. Doctorow and Mark di Suvero Strike Gold at American Academy of Arts and Letters – NYTimes.com.