Elektra Press is currently seeking the highest quality book-length trade fiction in most popular genres. We are also looking to publish book-length trade nonfiction in all genres in which the author or co-author is an “acknowledged authority” in the field or has a proven familiarity with the subject matter. Please note that we are not equipped to publish or market non-trade books, such as textbooks, library-bound books, etc. We do consider trade books for the Juvenile, Young Adult, and New Adult categories.
To query us, please use the following guidelines when filling out the form below:
Length: [Total number of words in your book]
Genres: [Those categories that best describe your book]
Blurb: [A short description of no more than 2 to 4 sentences]
Synopsis: [A more detailed outline of your book]
Platform: [How your connections can help sell your book]
Biography: [Your succinct personal history]
Please note that we review all material submitted to us within 6 to 8 weeks. If you haven’t received a response from us within that time frame, we have concluded for various reasons that your work isn’t something that E. P. can successfully publish and market.
If, on the other hand, we conclude that your work may be a good match for publication by Elektra Press, we’ll request a complete manuscript attached to an e-mail. Elektra Press currently publishes in Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, and Audio Book formats, depending upon what our marketing analysis determines to be the most effective format(s) for your book.
Don Bacue
Executive Editorial Director