Scott Westerfeld’s next young adult novel, “Afterworlds,” takes readers into the whirlwind life of a high school graduate who’s on the verge of becoming a bestselling novelist herself.”The book is about this weird and wonderful space which is the ‘YA boom’ of the last 10 years,” Westerfeld said in conversation with industry website Publisher’s Weekly.”This world we’ve created is full of all kinds of hilarious characters — not just authors, but booksellers, librarians, editors, agents, and fans.””As someone who’s been around it for a while, I wanted to chronicle a bit of how silly and awesome we all are.”With the main storyline following New York newcomer Darcy Patel, an additional narrative arc is occupied with the fate of Darcy’s own fictional heroine, Lizzie, stuck between life and death as a result of her peculiar approach to surviving a terrorist attack.
via ‘Afterworlds’ is next up from ‘Uglies’ and ‘Leviathan’ author – Yahoo News.