Earlier today, a federal district court struck down net neutrality, the nondiscrimination rules of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) governing how internet service providers deliver online information. ALA President Barbara K. Stripling swiftly responded to the decision in Verizon v. FCC (PDF file) by expressing the Association’s disappointment at this blow to a principle ALA has long advocated:
“The American Library Association is extremely disappointed with today’s decision by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down the FCC’s “Net Neutrality” decision. ALA has been a long-time supporter of the free flow of information for all people. Now that the internet has become the primary mechanism for delivering information, services, and applications to the general public, it is especially important that commercial Internet Service Providers are not able to control or manipulate the content of these communications.
via Troubling Decision Nixes Net Neutrality Rules | American Libraries Magazine.